Local authorities around Ireland plant tree in every Games’ Host Town, as part of National Tree Week, to commemorate the 2003 Special Olympics World Summer Games

Pictured at Marino Institute of Education are President of the Tree Council, Mary Keenan and Mary Davis, National Director, Special Olympics Ireland, planting the first of 120 trees to be planted in each of the Games’ host towns by local authorities, to celebrate the success of the 2003 Special Olympics World Summer Games.
Speaking at the event Mary Davis said; “Special Olympics Ireland is delighted to be a part of National Tree Week. The legacy of the Games will ensure that everyone on the island of Ireland is more aware of the abilities and successes of people with a learning disability. Just like Bank of Ireland’s welcome signs in each of the host towns, these trees are another life long reminder of the special summer of 2003.” National Tree Week is organised by the Tree Council of Ireland and jointly sponsored this year for the first time by O2 Ireland and Coillte. Celebrating 20 years of activity, the week-long event has captured the imagination of people in cities and towns across Ireland and has become a central part to community activity all over Ireland for tree planting.
The main task of National Tree Week 2004 is the distribution and planting of over 15,000 trees around the country by local authorities to local communities. Throughout the week there will be a variety of exciting events including, tree planting ceremonies, forest walks, exhibitions and talks happening all over the country. Free event guides are available in O2 outlets and Coillte offices nationwide with all events free for the public to encourage as much participation as possible.
Everyone involved in the planning of National Tree Week 2004 is encouraging people of all ages around the country to get their hands dirty and participate in their local activity for the week! Photo Credit: Maxwells